Marketing and Design For the Medical Industry

Every decision a designer makes influences the image of the company and communicates a specific message to their potential clients. This is one reason why at D4 we pride ourselves on our ability to target an audience. We take the time to understand what details must be included in your website design to best reach your clients and communicate in engaging ways. An example of keeping the target audience can be seen with one of our clients in the medical industry. SonoCiné, a breast cancer imaging company, came to us with the goal to help educate women and doctors about their new breast cancer detection technology. SonoCiné’s technology is changing the industry and saving women’s lives by detecting cancers that may not seen with traditional mammograms in women with dense breast tissue and they were having difficulty in communicating this to their target audience. D4 discovered where the difficulty was, researched the new technology and the target audience. We then created a new design for SonoCiné that uses engaging imagery, a soft color palette and refined navigation. These design elements are meant to be soothing. which is important when communicating to an audience about a difficult subject, particularly in the medical industry. D4 helped SonoCiné to simplify and refine the website content and verbiage used on the site. Content was carefully crafted to educate and appeal to two diverse audiences: women and doctors. The design funnels these audiences to content specifically designed for them. The work D4 did helped SonoCiné to successfully communicate their message. The success of the project has facilitated measurable increases in sales leads, brand awareness and market saturation. SonoCiné has landed their largest client yet and has expanded into Asia where dense breast tissue is especially prevalent. In addition, legislation has been passed that now allows this technology to be reimbursed by insurance companies. By keeping the target in mind while developing websites, we make sure that they are engaging to the user and inspire them to take action. If you are looking for help developing a marketing strategy or connecting with your target audience, contact D4 today!